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This is a giant online mental map that serves as a basis for concept diagrams. It gives a brief definition of each concept and its relationships. Period.Unionpedia is a concept map or semantic network organized like an encyclopedia – dictionary. His mission is not only simple but is sincere.to make people feel good. Not that he's thrives on co-signs, but if compliments from these aformentioned gentlemen doesnt serve as a testament to his credibility then what does? His numbers aren't too shabby either: 2 mixtapes, 3 Grammy nominations, 7 albums, 30 million + Youtube views, an uncountable amount of production & engineering credits, and contributions to 11 million records sold worldwide, Terrace Martin is still on an upward climb. Long time mentor/legend, Quincy Jones, is quoted to have called Terrace "one of the only real sincere bridges of the generations". Stevie Wonder has drawn comparisons between him and some of the greatest horn players of all-time.

Snoop Dogg praises his musical versatility.

Somehow, Terrace has successfully managed to dedicate his time to both, garnering the hearts of fans from each genre. Jazz is his first love, Hip Hop his second. Over a 17-year span, this "young veteran" has built an impressive catalogue of his best production (and personal works) that has withstood the test of a "here-today-gone-tomorrow" industry and unpredictable digital era. Starting off the new year in good artistic fashion, Terrace Martin is in preparation to not only release some of his best work, but to also make more appearances on the show circuit.